Rank hubs by degree either with the final network or according to how consistently the degree is high across bootstrap replicates.

rankHub(ig, bdeg = NULL, level = c("x", "y"))



An igraph network object output from adj2igraph


If NULL, the ranking of hubs nodes is done by their highest degree in the ig network within their respective node level = "y" or level = "x".

If non-null, List output from list element of bootVote. Element bdeg$yy[b,] is an integer vector representing the degree distribution for the \(b\)th bootstrap replicate across the y nodes. Similarly, element bdeg$xy[b,] is an integer vector representing the degree distribution for the \(b\)th bootstrap replicate across the x nodes. If `bdeg` is available, the hubs will be prioritized according to their mean rank of degree across the \(B\) bootstrap replicates. Highly ranked hubs consistently have a larger degree than other nodes across the bootstrap replicates.


Character value either 'y' or 'x' (defaults to 'x') specifying to rank hubs that are x or y nodes. Ranking levels x and y together is not supported.


The igraph object ig updated with a 'rank_hub' attribute containing each nodes' respective rank. If bdeg is non-null the mean degree rank across bootstrap replicates is labeled with attribute 'mean_rank_hub', and its corresponding standard deviation is labeled as attribute 'sd_rank_hub'.

See also

adj2igraph, cisTrans, reportHubs, xHubEnrich,