Assesses the network learning performance of spaceMap (or space) against a known truth by reporting power and false discovery rate.
reportJointPerf(fit, truth, aszero = 1e-06, verbose = TRUE)
fit | A list of numeric matrices named 'xy' and 'yy' encoding the fitted model parameter estimates (or the true adjacency matrices). |
truth | A list of numeric matrices named 'xy' and 'yy' encoding the true model parameters (or an adjacency matrix). |
aszero | A numeric value specifying the point at which a parameter estimate should be effectively considered of zero value. |
verbose | A logical value indicating whether to report the performance to the console. |
A numeric, named vector
power Joint power on (x-y,y-y)
fdr Joint false discovery rate (FDR) on (x-y,y-y)
powerXY Power of x-y edges
fdrXY FDR of x-y edges
powerYY Power of y-y edges
fdrYY FDR of y-y edges
tp True positives of (x-y,y-y)
fn False negatives of (x-y,y-y)
fp False positives of (x-y,y-y)
tpXY True positives of x-y
fnXY False negatives of x-y
fpXY False positives of x-y
tpYY True positives of y-y
fnYY False negatives of y-y
fpYY False positives of y-y